Booking EnquiryPlease fill in this form. Use the message box to give as much detail as possible, this is the quickest way to start your training with us. Email Subject * Please Add School Name Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone School Address * The Location you would like the training to take place Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Courses Tick all the courses you wish to book PCHS Primary Core health and safety SCHS Secondary Core Health and Safety SFHS - Secondary Food Health and Safety SMHS Secondary Materials Health and Safety STHS Secondary Textiles Health and Safety S1HS Wood Sawing Machines S2HS Centre Lathe for Metal Cutting S3HS Casting Non Ferrous Metals S4HS Metal Arc Welding S6HS Milling Machines and Machining Centres S7HS Wood Turning Lathe S8HS Planer Thicknesser S9HS Portable Power Tools S10HS Sharpening & Grinding S11HS Health and Safety for Site Staff S12HS Essential Health and Safety for DT Technicians Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate Unsure what I need / want Type of Training Initial Refresher Number of Attendees How many people require training? Proposed Date The date you would like training to take place MM DD YYYY Message Please use this field for specific delegate requirements, bespoke courses, consultancy or general enquiries. Thank you!